Presenting Nothing But Nets 25th Champion to End Malaria: Naomi Kodama

June 6, 2011

The UN Foundation recognized Naomi for her efforts to advance the international goal of ending malaria deaths in Africa by 2015 through JCI Nothing But Nets. The UN Foundation’s Nothing But Nets campaign began the Champions in the Fight Against Malaria contest this spring to honor individuals from students to CEOs to celebrities for their commitment to fighting malaria. Naomi entered the contest to share her enthusiasm for and dedication to sending nets to save lives through the JCI Nothing But Nets campaign.

A 13-year-old from Chesterfield, Missouri, USA, Naomi decided on her seventh birthday that she did not want any gifts at all. Instead, she wanted to use her birthday to help others and invited her friends to a birthday party where guests could donate to JCI Nothing But Nets. All donations funded the purchase and distribution of insecticide-treated mosquito nets, which protect children and their families from malaria.

“There are people who barely have anything and we need to help them,” she wrote in the party invitation. Since 2005, she has done the same for every birthday, inspiring her friends and family to also send nets and save lives on their birthdays. She is still a proud supporter of JCI Nothing But Nets. As a goodwill gesture, she accompanied her parents, JCI Secretary General Edson A. Kodama and Cristina Kodama, and other JCI members on a trip to Bamako, Mali this May to deliver toys to children in need.

Please join us in congratulating Naomi on her tremendous achievement and in helping save lives throughout Africa by donating to JCI Nothing But Nets.