Team building is a technique that has been used to create an environment that encourages and values the contributions of team members. The theory is that when all of the members combine their energies toward problem solving and maximizing the resources of the team, goals can be met more efficiently, therefore increasing the bottom line.
Recently, there has been a trend occurring that focuses on team bonding. Studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between pleasure and productivity. Hence to put this idea in the frontline we decided to embrace the nature to help us unite our members, aspiring members and all jci friends.
We shall be organising our team bonding activity this 5th of February at 14hrs starting with a walk with mother nature at the National Park involving a team treasure hunt. This will be followed by a series of fun beach activities in the afternoon and ending with our BBQ party. There will be interesting prizes to be won during the whole of the team bonding event, and get prepared for a dazzling & sensational beach party.
For your bookings, please contact Project Secretary Weenela Naiko on the 921 8263, the Project Director Jacques David COMMARMOND on the 797 3301, Local President Arvind Neergheen on the 759 2691, or send us an e-mail.
See you all on Saturday!