In the honor of JCI Vice President Takor TAKOR, JCI Mauritius will be organizing its 2012 JCI Vice President Cocktail with the theme ‘Brotherhood in Diversity’ on Wednesday 7th of March, in La Canelle, Domaine Les Pailles.
Starting at 18.15, the night will be filled with several official ceremonies such as the Swearing in Ceremony for new members as well as the JCI Admin Graduation Ceremony for members who have graduated from JCI Admin held in January 2012. Moreover, a flag raising ceremony also is planned during the night to commemorate the coming Independence Day celebrations. In addition, 2012 JCI Mauritius Debate Championship Awards will be presented as a reward for their success.
In this context, the 2012 National President and National Board members of JCI Mauritius have the immense pleasure of inviting you to join them for this special night and celebrate ‘Brotherhood in Diversity’.
Kindly note that all bookings should be done through your Chapter Presidents and the Chapter Presidents should in turn confirm booking of their respective members with Project Director Arvy Gutty. The deadline for confirmation of booking with Project Director Arvy is Saturday 3rd of March 2012 at noon.
The 2012 National President, National Board members of JCI Mauritius, Project Director Arvy and the team members of JCI VP Cocktail hope that you will turn up in great numbers to make it a successful event.