JCI is bringing its members a way to gain insight into your fellow JCI team members and your own unique strengths.
Humantelligence is a global software company that offers innovative online tools for organizations of all sizes to better understand, communicate and connect with their people. JCI and Humantelligence encourage you to join your JCI colleagues on a journey of self-discovery and improved effectiveness.
Here’s how to get started:
- Visit https://humantelligence.com/index.php/JCI/
- Enter your name and email address
- Click the “Register Now” button
After registering, you will receive instructions directly from Humantelligence about how to complete a 20-minute online questionnaire, which will lead to your personalized feedback report.
How it Works
Step 1: Understand
The Humantelligence process starts with gaining a deeper understanding of your own hidden motivators, working style, ideal workplace and life priorities. It’s as simple as answering some easy questions about yourself.
You’ll instantly receive a free, personalized Scientific Insight Report™ based off the responses from the questionnaire. The report highlights aspects of your personality, working habits and lifestyle to shed light on your unique strengths and qualities as a team member. This service and report is available free to all JCI members.
If you would like to go more in-depth into uncovering your unique strengths, you will have the opportunity to purchase a Personal Growth & Development Report™ at a discount of more than 40% off exclusively for JCI members. JCI receives a portion of the proceeds from every purchase.
While the personalized report provides valuable insights, the real power of Humantelligence will be unleashed when the information is combined with your JCI peers’ data to develop a deeper understanding of individuals, teams and organizations. To protect your privacy, your personal feedback report will be available exclusively to you until you choose to share it. Sharing your report helps your Organization choose activities that meet the interests, needs and strengths of all members.
Step 2: Communicate
Armed with a deeper understanding about the key interests of yourself and your JCI team, you can begin to communicate more effectively. JCI Local and National Organizations can also use the data to understand their members’ interests and motivators. By leveraging everyone’s unique strengths, leaders can enhance team cohesiveness, which leads to better results from your projects and initiatives.
Step 3: Connect
Humantelligence allows people to create stronger connections, both to their fellow members and to JCI’s Mission, Vision and Values. The tool can be used regularly as new members join, experienced members graduate, and as the organization grows. As more JCI members take the questionnaire, JCI Local and National Organizations will gain a clearer picture of their members and learn how to connect with them on issues that matter to them. Using the knowledge gained from these reports, JCI members will become more empowered to create even greater positive change.
Representatives from Humantelligence will be present at the 2011 JCI World Congress in Brussels, Belgium, to explain more about how to use this tool to enhance your JCI Local Organization.
Learn more about Humantelligence and sign up today to get your free personalized report.