Impact Month: Share JCI and Corporate Social Responsibility with your Company

June 29, 2011

Have you told your company about the UN Global Compact? This Impact Month, reach out and share the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the JCI Mission. This Impact Month, 2011 JCI President Kentaro Harada is challenging all JCI Local Organizations to sign up five companies or organizations with the UN Global Compact. By following the steps outlined in the JCI President’s Corner, you can help advance the UN Millennium Development Goals (UN MDGs) by encouraging your company to adopt responsible business practices.

When discussing the UN Global Compact with your colleagues, seize the opportunity to tell them about JCI and our Mission. Once they understand JCI and why you have taken up the cause of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a JCI member, educate them about the UN MDGs. The Global Compact was formed as a way for companies to take concrete action toward advancing these international goals.

Explain how JCI has an ongoing partnership with the Global Compact to educate small- and medium-sized enterprises about the benefits of corporate responsibility and sustainability in a competitive global market. JCI and the Global Compact share the same goal to promote CSR throughout the business sector of society.

This Impact Month, you and your fellow JCI peers can make a difference in two important ways:

  1. Respond to President Harada’s call to introduce companies to the UN Global Compact.
  2. Take the opportunity to introduce your co-workers to JCI.

Our impact is only limited by the number of young active citizens we have taking action in each community. Find the peers in your company who show interest and excitement for CSR and share with them your passion for JCI. Invite them to your Local Organization meeting, where they can learn more about CSR and find more young people working for positive change. Don’t forget to report new members in the MY JCI section of the website under MY RECRUITS .

At the 2011 JCI World Congress in Brussels this November, awards will be given for participation during Impact Month. The top recruiting National Organizations from June and this coming Impact Month of September will be recognized. Also, the National Organizations who sign up the most companies or organizations for the UN Global Compact will be awarded at Congress for their outstanding efforts.

The race has begun, so share the JCI message with your co-workers as you show them the importance of sustainable business practices. Together through both civil society and business sectors, JCI members can lead through Active Citizenship and advance the UN MDGs to create a better world.

Read about how JCI President Kentaro Harada brought his company to join the UN Global Compact.

Read more about the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.

Report new JCI members on the JCI website under the MY RECRUITS section under MY JCI .