At the 2013 January Board Meeting, JCI’s newest leaders shared ideas, best practices and dared to act for the upcoming year.
From January 7 to 12 in St. Louis, USA, the JCI World Headquarters hosted the 2013 January Board Meeting. Every year, the members of the JCI Board of Directors meet in January to establish goals, strategies and action steps for the upcoming year.
Dare to Act
2013 JCI President Chiara Milani was excited to see everyone’s enthusiasm for a busy week of learning and fun. The first day in St. Louis, the 2013 JCI Board of Directors had the opportunity to visit the grave of Henry Giessenbier, JCI’s founding father. They also volunteered and donated supplies at a local homeless shelter in downtown St. Louis, putting the JCI Mission into action.
“Speaking with these homeless people was an unforgettable experience. I learned that even through their personal challenges these people are still full of so much hope,” said President Milani. “Thanks to places like the shelter we visited, they should be able to turn their lives around and obtain a job again.”
Getting out of the meeting room and into the community proved to be a meaningful way for the JCI Board to begin their year by taking action with people who make a difference in the St. Louis community every day.
Back at the JCI World Headquarters, professional trainer and JCI friend Julie Procter from Dale Carnegie Training worked with the Board members to expand and enhance their presentation skills. During their year as leaders, they will speak to a variety of audiences including JCI members, potential members, partners, government officials and corporate citizens. Combining JCI messages with personal stories and experiences, the Board members delivered riveting speeches that challenge their audiences to take responsibility for their communities and dare to act in 2013.
Plan Your Year
At the 2013 JCI Board of Directors Meeting, one of the main topics discussed was 2013 JCI Events. After a brief report regarding the success of the 2012 JCI World Congress in Taipei, Taiwan by Congress Director Chris Chen, the 2013 JCI Board of Directors received an overview of this year’s events from Events Director Eduardo Barros.
Start making your travel plans with these important dates.
2013 JCI Conference of the Americas in St. Louis, USA May 1-4
2013 JCI Africa and the Middle East Conference in Gaborone, Botswana May 8-11
2013 JCI European Conference in Monte Carlo, Monaco May 29-June 1
2013 JCI Asia-Pacific Conference in Gwangju, Korea June 13-16
2013 JCI Academy in Fukuyama, Japan July 5-12
2013 JCI Global Partnership Summit in New York City, USA July 24-26
2013 JCI World Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil November 4-9
Send Nets to Save Lives
Concluding a successful year of fundraising and awareness for the JCI Nothing But Nets campaign in 2012, the Board hosted guests from the UN Foundation’s Nothing But Nets campaign to kick off 2013. Nothing But Nets Director Chris Helfrich, Deputy Director Margaret McDonnell and Partnership Associate Carolyn Commons made a special trip to St. Louis to interact with the 2013 JCI Board of Directors and strengthen support for the campaign.
Helfrich thanked JCI for their ongoing support and congratulated the Board and JCI members worldwide, for being their highest donating partner in 2012. JCI’s fundraising goal for 2012 was US $500,000 and thanks to constant support and effective projects, JCI exceeded that amount by raising more than US $508,000. Helfrich also congratulated JCI the Netherlands, JCI Japan and JCI Malaysia for being the top fundraisers of 2012, along with Madelyne Ahlquist who was the top individual fundraiser. One representative from each of the three top fundraising National Organizations and Madelyne will be joining Nothing But Nets on a distribution and observation trip to Africa as a thank you for their fantastic fundraising and fight against malaria.
“Your unending support and excitement for Nothing But Nets is so appreciated. I am always amazed by the creativity of your projects to combat malaria around the world,” said Helfrich. “Keep up the good work and we are so excited for the growth of our partnership in 2013.”
The Nothing But Nets guests participated in the 2013 JCI Board of Directors Trivia Night, competing vigorously using their knowledge of JCI Events, travel, culture and facts about malaria. By the end of the night, the 2013 JCI Board raised more than US $1,600 for JCI Nothing But Nets. With a 2013 JCI goal of US $600,000, this was great way to jump-start the fundraising.
The Nothing But Nets trip contest starts over in 2013! Donate today on Crowdrise so your JCI National Organization can be the top fundraiser and have a chance to join the Nothing But Nets team in Africa in 2014. Keep sending nets to save lives!
The Journey Begins
The attendees of the 2013 January Board Meeting headed back to their home countries after an exciting and inspiring week. Ready to take action on a local, national and global level as the leaders of the organization, each JCI Vice President and JCI Executive Vice President committed to President Milani’s challenge to take responsibility for the well being of their communities. She concluded the meeting by asking each member of the 2013 JCI Board of Directors to expand their minds and their hearts as they travel as representatives of the JCI Mission and Vision.
“I know we share, not only among us but all the members, the responsibility of being young active citizens. Bring back the spirit of JCI to your hometowns,” said President Milani. “I know I can count on you to all join hands with me and our members around the world, to make JCI and our world better.”
President Milani will now start her travels to JCI National and Local Organizations across the globe. To see if she will be visiting your country soon and follow her adventures, visit the JCI Presidents Corner.
Plan now to attend the 2013 JCI Area Conferences, the 2013 JCI Global Partnership Summit and the 2013 JCI World Congress.
Watch the 2013 JCI Board of Directors Meeting and 2013 JCI Executive Committee Meeting in the JCI live stream video archive.