JCI Curepipe 2017 President’s Message

Dear Members, Senators and Aspiring Members,


It is with immense pleasure that am conveying you my first message as 2017 JCI Curepipe Local President.

As the first page of this new 365-page book unfolds, I wish you and your families Happy New Year 2017. May you people be blessed with prosperous opportunities and the courage to grow through challenges that you may come across.

Thank you again for the trust you have put in me and my team to lead the organization in 2017. “JCI not only gives us One Year To Lead but also One Year To Serve”, as rightly said by our dear 2010 JCI Curepipe Local President Senator Prashant Lallah. This has been the case in 2016 under the leadership of 2017 JCI Curepipe Immediate Past President Viloshna Sonoo (our Iron Lady ) and I look forward to keep the momentum going along with my team; doing our best to live up to your expectations.

Since the establishment of JCI Curepipe in 1984, we have served as a leadership training platform to encourage young people to be active citizens and create positive change in several areas including individual, international, community, and business. Over the years we have organized impactful projects for the betterment of the community and our members.

In 2017, JCI Curepipe shall continue to be the platform that empowers our young citizens to be better and create positive change around them. 2017 shall have its own lot of challenges and opportunities. Given our diverse set of skills and experience, am sure that we shall go and grow through both the opportunities and challenges. The main focus shall be on reinforcing the administration and increasing members’ involvement, recruitment of new members, skills training, community development projects, partnering with other NGOs and seeking corporate financial sponsors.

As previously presented to you in my presidential caucus, I won’t be able to do it all by myself; so am asking for your help. It’s going to be a journey full of opportunities and challenges but I know we can count on each other to move forward together. This brings us to our motto for next year: “Together We Can”. Leadership presents itself in various forms and the one I wish to portray is one of collaborative leadership. I look forward to serve the members, aspiring members and senators who have entrusted me with the responsibility to be their Local President in 2017. Following the path of my predecessors at JCI Curepipe, I shall be a Local President of proximity. While honouring the title given to me, I shall be more of a friend and companion to you people.

2017 is a 365-page book full of opportunities for each and every member to write history for a local organization which strives with dedication and passion to achieve its set objectives. Action plans and resolutions may seem like big hairy goals at first yet if we break them into smaller manageable chunks and focus on the process flow, this shall make achieving our goals less of a chore and more of a game for us.

Looking forward to another wonderful, enriching and creative year.

Today and for all todays to come, we think and deliver as a team. This is our year. Together we can.

Yours in Active Citizenship,

Veerendra Kooshna
2017 Local President => Motto: Together We Can
JCI Curepipe